
Thu, 01/16/2025

KLWN interview with Jim Bever

In this podcast, Jim Bever, senior scientist and KU Foundation Distinguished Professor, is interviewed on local radio station KLWN about a new nature-based study of pathogen resistance in perennial crop systems, with support from a $2.5 million grant.
Thu, 01/09/2025

The U.S. could protect monarch butterflies as a threatened species

The monarch butterfly population continues to shrink due to factors such as climate change. People working to help the species say proposed federal protections could boost existing efforts.
Tue, 01/07/2025

$2.5M grant will support nature-based study of pathogen resistance in perennial crop systems

A new five-year, $2.5 million grant will support a KU-led project exploring alternative routes to pathogen resistance in a potential perennial oilseed crop, silflower (Silphium integrifolium). The project is funded through the federal program on Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases.
Wed, 12/18/2024

here-ing | An environmentally embedded artwork by Janine Antoni

In 2021, KU's Spencer Museum of Art began work on an environmentally embedded artwork by Janine Antoni at the KU Field Station. This 19-minute documentary chronicles the project from start to finish, following Antoni's collaborations with researchers across the University of Kansas for more than two years to create a two-mile walking labyrinth in the shape of the anatomy of a human ear.
Mon, 12/16/2024

Flood Mapping and Emergency Management: An Interview with Jude Kastens

In this Kansas NSF EPSCoR interview, Jude Kastens of the Kansas Applied Remote Sensing program discusses the real-world impacts of his projects and the partnerships that have helped bring them to life.
Sat, 12/07/2024

KU researchers document native prairie pastures in Douglas County to uncover how much remains

Before European settlement, Kansas was dominated by vast prairies of tall grasses and wildflowers. However, farming and development have since altered the landscape, prompting researchers at the University of Kansas to help uncover how much of it remains intact in Douglas County. Prairie pastures, which include native prairie that has never been plowed being grazed by cattle, have played an important ecological role in the Douglas County landscape.
Wed, 12/04/2024

Soil health is big business, but KU researchers say many fungal products don't work as promised

University of Kansas scientists have combed through 250 commercial product trials detailed in peer-reviewed journals. Most of those trials checked to see if the promised fungi materialized on plant roots and helped the plants grow. And 88% of the time, the answer was no.
Fri, 11/29/2024

Rare wildflowers show resilience in Lawrence park where city carelessly applied herbicide

Each fall, Ken Lassman dons a thick pair of protective gloves and walks Lawrence’s Prairie Park remnant with a burlap sack, gathering seeds from the withering grasses and wildflowers. This remnant, he explained, is around 9,500 years old — a rare example of old-growth prairie in a region that has lost more than 96% of its native habitat to development and farmland.
Fri, 11/22/2024

KU researchers complete Native Pasture Survey project in western Douglas County

Jennifer Moody and Jennifer Delisle, of the Kansas Biological Survey and Center for Ecological Research, have completed a Native Pasture Survey project that was funded through the Douglas County Heritage Conservation Council’s Natural and Cultural Heritage grant program. They received a $38,731 grant in 2022.
Thu, 11/07/2024

A bountiful season on the prairie

This new edition of Kelly Kindscher's iconic first book, “Edible Wild Plants of the Prairie: An Ethnobotanical Guide,” first published in 1987, includes new native plant species and variants, a deeper understanding of plant ecology and uses to share and, he says, something more important.
Mon, 11/04/2024

KU professor leads cultural burn at Field Station

A prescribed burn led by a KU professor at the KU Field Station Saturday morning will help ensure the area’s biodiversity and soil health in the future. Melinda Adams, KU assistant professor, worked with Brett Ramey and MK Kerron to place the initial fire on Saturday.
Thu, 10/31/2024

Can fungi save this endangered Hawaiian tree?

Working with the native mycorrhizal fungi that naturally occur with a high-conservation-value plant can help re-establish it on its home ground — as with the native prairie grasses in our region, with this Hawaiian gardenia and in conservation efforts far and wide.
Tue, 10/08/2024

$1.5M grant will create global macro-network of plant-fungal research

A new project led by the University of Kansas will bring together scientists throughout the world who study the interactions between plants and microscopic fungi. A $1.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation will support the creation of a global transdisciplinary network to address the grand challenges within the realm of plant-fungal interactions.
Wed, 10/02/2024

KU Field Station marks 75th anniversary with Visitors’ Day Oct. 5

In celebration of its 75th anniversary, the University of Kansas Field Station will open its core research area from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 5 for its first public Visitors’ Day in more than 20 years. Members of the public will be welcomed behind the scenes to tour restricted-access research areas.
Wed, 09/18/2024

Fall equinox tour of KU medicinal garden planned Sept. 22

The public is invited to the fall semiannual tour of the University of Kansas Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden at 6 p.m. Sept. 22 on the autumnal equinox.
Tue, 09/17/2024

Postdoctoral researcher continues cycle of mentorship for future plant scientists

In this profile, Joel Swift, postdoc in the Wagner Lab, reflects on the importance of a culture of encouragement for students.
Tue, 09/17/2024

University Distinguished Professor to explore how today’s ecosystems can help predict Earth’s future in inaugural lecture

University Distinguished Professor Sharon Billings will deliver “Predicting Ecosystems of the Future with the Forests and Grasslands of Today” on Oct. 1 in the Beren Petroleum Conference Center of Slawson Hall G192.
Fri, 08/09/2024

Remembering Stan Roth

Desiring to share his boundless enthusiasm for the natural world, he embarked on a teaching career at Lawrence High School in 1959 and taught high school students biology in Lawrence for 40 years.
Thu, 08/08/2024

Emergence of late southern-state monarchs still shrouded in mystery

Monarchs are recognized internationally as threatened, so observers are keen to see the population rebound somewhat this season. During the 2023 migration, drought zapped nectar-providing wildflowers and added heavily to factors that take their toll annually. The latest overwintering population was the second-lowest on record, the lowest in over a decade.
Sun, 07/28/2024

Kansas lakes contain hidden pollution with unknown health impacts, study finds

Seemingly pristine water could be hiding a tiny form of man-made pollution which is drawing the attention of scientists in a global study. Two researchers from the University of Kansas (KU) are shedding light on the presence of microplastics in Kansas lakes and reservoirs alongside more than 70 other researchers in a global study, according to KU. See the full story from KSNT, Topeka, Kan.
Fri, 07/12/2024

Butterfly effect: Scientists argue over monarch’s ESA status (Opens in new window)

Monarch butterfly expert Orley “Chip” Taylor says the colorful insect is doing pretty well, all things considered. Challenges, yes; the monarch has them, in spades. Population numbers are down, the climate is changing, and precious milkweed-rich habitat is getting harder to find.
Wed, 07/10/2024

KU community mourns death of longtime employee Lee Ann Bennett

The University of Kansas community is mourning the death of Lee Ann Bennett, a senior research assistant at the Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research. Bennett, a Lawrence resident, died June 30.
Mon, 07/01/2024

Healing the ground we broke (Opens in new window)

Amble through Kansas prairies and cornfields as we learn how treasuring the ground beneath our feet can lead to farms that better withstand climate change, use less fertilizer and suck carbon out of the atmosphere.
Thu, 06/20/2024

Community invited to tour KU Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden (Opens in new window)

Community members are invited to a semiannual tour of KU’s Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden, set for the day after the summer solstice. The garden includes research plantings, a large native plant demonstration garden and the KU Community Garden, which is managed by a group of students who grow food...

Mon, 06/17/2024

Annual summer solstice tour of KU medicinal garden set for June 21

The public is invited to the summer semiannual tour of the KU Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden at 7 p.m. June 21, one day after the summer solstice. The garden, situated just east of the Lawrence Municipal Airport, includes research plantings, a large native plant demonstration garden and the KU Community Garden.
Thu, 06/06/2024

Area science teachers visit KU Field Station this week

Nine middle school science teachers from Kansas converged at the KU Field Station, just north of Lawrence, this week. They took part in the Ecosystems of Kansas Summer Institute, an immersive program that gives secondary educators the chance to work with KU scientists to explore resources and gain new ideas for their classrooms.
Mon, 06/03/2024

KPR podcast: A New Guide to Kansas Mushrooms (Opens in new window)

A New Guide to Kansas Mushrooms is out now from University Press of Kansas. Ben Sikes, associate scientist and associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, and Caleb Morse, collection manager at KU's McGregor Herbarium, worked with Sherry Kay on this new edition.
Tue, 04/30/2024

Seven students receive Kansas Biological Survey Student Research Awards for 2024

The Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research has awarded $7,500 in funding this spring for student research to be conducted this year. Seven students will receive assistance through the research center’s 2024 Student Research Awards.
Tue, 04/30/2024

#KUFieldWorks: Surveying the Kansas ferret population to improve conservation

Each year, a team of people from various organizations gather to perform intensive nighttime surveys of a reintroduction site in western Kansas. Wendy Holman and Nathaniel Weickert took part in a recent survey.
Wed, 04/24/2024

Canceled: KU Field Station marks 75th anniversary with Visitors’ Day April 27

Editor's note, April 26: This event has been canceled due to expected inclement weather. The event will be moved to fall 2024, with a new date announced after Sept. 1.

Media Contacts

Kirsten Bosnak

Communications Coordinator
