
Tour group at large garden site in field

In Fall 2024, committees revised and finalized goals and strategies, devised initiatives for the current year, and developed 5-year ambitions for the following realms and activity in our research center. In the future, we plan to add initiatives for the KU Field Station and Private Fundraising.

Realms of activity

1) Increase proposal submissions and success.
2) Raise research capacity.
3) Increase KU’s return on investment in this research center.

Five-year ambitions
1) Develop an outreach program that can be leveraged by PIs. 
2) Hire more scientists and faculty equivalents, as well as a data manager. 
3) Maintain bridge funding for soft-funded researchers. 
4) Offer proposal development assistance.

1) Raise awareness, understanding and relevance of our work among State decision-makers, across Kansas, and regionally.
2) Increase funding from State and non-state sources to assess and monitor terrestrial and aquatic environments in Kansas.

Five-year ambitions
1) Increase engagement with State decision-makers. 
2) Develop a network of regularly monitored sites. 
3) Periodically publish a "State of the Kansas Natural Environment" report and its change over time. 
4) Increase joint-funded or other agency-funded positions at our research center.
5) Develop audience-specific outreach materials for state conferences and stakeholder groups.

1) Cultivate a welcoming workplace. 
2) Promote broad participation in nature-based education and outreach activities.

Five-year ambitions
1) Routinely offer outreach in Spanish. 
2) Offer a comprehensive summary of resources to help early career scientists. 
3) Create a more visually stimulating and welcoming workplace that recognizes all members in our research community.

1) Raise visibility and appreciation of our research and educational outreach among the public, especially in Kansas.
2) Foster our internal research community’s understanding of one another’s research and capacity.
3) Support efforts to increase giving.

Five-year ambitions 
1) a continuous rise in earned media at all levels; 
2) continuous rise in engagement within our research community and with people and organizations within and outside KU; 
3) some indication we have reached western Kansas;
4) development of an intern program to assist with communications and support these goals.

1) Offer safe and accessible facilities.
2) Provide appealing, welcoming, and sustainable spaces.
3) Increase efficient use of space and acquire more space for research activities; and offer safe and well-maintained fleet equipment for research.

Five-year ambitions
1) Make progress on conversations and plans for a Research & Discovery Center. 
2) Install more accessible paths connecting our facilities on west campus. 
3) Attain an ADA-compliant entrance to the main entrance of Higuchi and other spaces. 
4) Improve or replace the Monarch Watch greenhouse.

Ensure the administration of this unit is fair, transparent, and open to feedback; minimize administrative load on principal investigators to maximize center research productivity; and provide responsive, efficient, and effective operations while supporting a welcoming and vibrant environment.

Five-year ambitions
(1) Increase research support staff if needed. 
(2) Develop accessible research center policy and guidelines library. 
(3) Maintain a happy and well-served research community.