
This plan was developed by the following faculty and staff members at our research center:
- Sara G. Baer, director
- Principal investigators: Debbie Baker, Kristen Baum, Jim Bever, Sharon Billings, Jennifer Delisle, Bryan Foster, Craig Freeman, Ted Harris, Jude Kastens, Kelly Kindscher, Liz Koziol, Terra Lubin, Tom McKenna, Dana Peterson, Dan Reuman, Peggy Schultz, Ben Sikes, and Maggie Wagner
- Research support staff: Kirsten Bosnak, Kayla Dye, Brandy Hildreth-Baranski, Bruce Johanning, Wendy Holman, Sheena Parsons, Awesta Rudick, Ann Ryan, Paula Szuwalski, and Nathaniel Weickert
Our Vision Statement: To lead scientific discovery that fosters appreciation of the vital interactions between humans and the environment.
Our Mission Statement: To serve Kansas and the global environment through world-class ecological research, education, and outreach.
Our legislative mandate: In 1959, the Kansas Biological Survey (established in 1911) was designated as a non-regulatory agency of the State operated by the University of Kansas (KU) by an act of the Kansas Legislature. The survey’s legislative mandate is to operate the state biological survey in order to determine the character, location, and supply of animals and plants, especially native animals and plants of economic and educational importance; publish necessary reports on its findings; receive, hold, develop, and administer lands and property needed by the state of Kansas for the study, preservation, or use of native animals and plant resources; enter into agreements with any agency of the federal government relative to administration of lands no longer needed by the federal government; accept grants of money appropriated for research and related purposes from the federal government; and accept any state moneys or any gifts or donations made available (K.S.A. 76-338).