Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
Landscape-based assessment of ecological risk for small watersheds: Simple modeling techniques
Nitrate dynamics of small agricultural streams in the western Corn Belt Plains Ecoregion
Reproductive success of grasshopper sparrows in relation to edge
Slug tests in site characterization: Some practical considerations
Small mammal community patterns in old fields: Distinguishing site-specific from regional processes
Solomon River riparian ecosystem study
Temporal and spatial aspects of food web structure and dynamics
The influence of fish density on the ecological effects of an insecticide in an outdoor ecosystem-level test
The reptiles and amphibians of Fort Riley and vicinity
Thematic Mapper characterization of lodgepole pine seral stages in Yellowstone National Park, USA
Time, space, and life history: Influences on food webs
Vegetation analysis of Western Kansas playa lakes — 1993-1995
Walking across the tallgrass prairie
Well-testing methodologies for characterizing heterogeneities in alluvial-aquifer systems: Final technical report
Wildflower information on the Internet
A natural areas inventory of the Ft. Leavenworth Military Reservation, Leavenworth County, Kansas
A preliminary assessment of forest canopy structure in Grand Teton National Park
The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests
The role of methanotrophic bacteria in aquatic bioremediation in a Kansas reservoir
A seed trap for monitoring the seed rain in terrestial communities
A survey for protected and rare species and exemplary natural areas on the Kansas Army Ammunition Plant in Labette County, Kansas
An evaluation of a borehole induction single-well tracer test to characterize the distribution of hydraulic properties in an alluvial aquifer
An experiment with artificial shelters for snakes: Effects of material, age, and surface preparation
An Illustrated Guide to Endangered and Threatened Species in Kansas
Atrazine and alachor degradation in wetlands: The effects of hydrophyte community structure
Defining ecosystem health
Deriving high resolution canopy digital elevation models
Effects of hydrophyte community structure on atrazine and alachlor degradation in wetlands
Effects of short-term variations in near-surface water content on shallow-seismic data
Effects of supplemental food on population dynamics of cotton rats, Sigmodon hispidus
Failure to detect senescence in persistence of some grassland rodents
Habitat fragmentation and movements of three small mammals (Sigmodon, Microtus, and Peromyscus)
Has anyone seen Toto lately? The status of biodiversity data in Kansas
Image texture analysis of coniferous forest successional stages
Kansas landscape patterns and biodiversity
Neosho vegetation inventory study
On the potential for fruitful linkages between contemporary vegetation models and spatially explicit animal population models
Perspectives from an experimental study of habitat fragmentation in an agroecosystem
Platanthera praeclara (western prairie fringed orchid) recovery plan
Population dynamics of small mammals in fragmented and continuous old-field habitat
Prairie plant guilds: A multivariate analysis of prairie species based on ecological and morphological traits
Reproductive ecology of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides): Effects of nest-site selection, habitat manipulation, and parental care
Rhynchospora capitellata (Cyperaceae), new to Kansas
Selection of refuge sites by sympatric Microtus ochrogaster and Sigmodon hispidus
The effect of maternal mass on litter size and offspring survival in the hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus)
The role of methanotrophic bacteria in aquatic bioremediation in a Kansas reservoir: Preliminary report
The spatial ecology of small mammals in old fields: A study of movement, demography and community structure in a fragmented landscape
The successional tasseled cap: A graphic description of the spectral-temporal development of a coniferous forest
Toxic chemical priority selection in the United States
Using C and MetaWINDOW graphics primitives to develop software for exploring spatial data