Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
Pumping tests in networks of multilevel sampling wells: Motivation and methodology
Rangeland cover component quantification using broad (TM) and narrow-band (1.4 NM) spectometry
Remote sensing approaches to monitoring agroecosystem health
Seedling disease in an annual legume: Consequences for seedling mortality, plant size, and population seed production
Soil pathogenic fungi have the potential to affect coexistence of two tallgrass prairie species
Summary of water chemistry and macroinvertebrate communities for selected sites at the Galena sub-site of the Cherokee County Superfund Site, Cherokee, County, Kansas, within the Tri-State Mining District: Year One of Phase III
Summer record of the Rufous-crowned Sparrow in Kansas
The relative importance of small-scale and landscape level heterogeneity in structuring small mammal distributions: An experimental study of habitat fragmentation
The tallgrass restoration handbook for prairies
Tools for diversity: Fire, grazing, and mowing on tallgrass prairies
Tree spade used to establish wetland grasses, rushes, and sedges
Vegetation mapping and digital data base development for the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve
Water quality issues in reservoirs: Some considerations from a study of a large reservoir in Kansas
Woody plant colonization in an experimentally fragmented habitat
A classification of the natural vegetation of Kansas
Assessing forest canopy structure in Grand Teton National Park
Discovery at Dingus Natural Area
Geostatistical modeling of forest canopy structure, Grand Teton National Park
Interaction between land cover/land use dynamics and climatological variability in the western Oklahoma/Kansas/Texas indicator region
KWS endorses Teaming with Wildlife Initiative
Modeling forest canopy structure with geostatistical techniques and satellite imagery
Regression-based estimation of lodgepole pine forest age from Landsat Thematic Mapper data
The uses of Echinacea angustifolia and other Echinacea species by Native Americans in the Great Plains
Use of CART and canonical discriminant analysis to select variables and classify cases in a situation with few observations and many variables
Analyzing the underlying structure of landscape pattern of Kansas at three resolutions
Propagation of Mead's milkweed
The impact of litter quality on tallgrass prairie soils of Northeastern Kansas
A field assessment of the feasibility of using borehole GPR at the Geohydrologic Experimental and Monitoring Site, Lawrence, Kansas
A Kansas Snake Community: Composition and Changes Over 50 Years
A survey of large ranches and prairie remnants in the Flint Hills and Central Tallgrass Prairie Ecoregion of Kansas
A systematic survey for protected and rare species and the identification of riparian natural communities along the Republican River in north-central Kansas
Activity patterns in relation to body mass and ambient temperature among overwintering cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus)
Alternatives to Robinson and Redford's method of assessing overharvest from incomplete demographic data
An old-growth definition of western hardwood gallery forests
Annual variability of Inner Mongolian grassland phenology as influenced by climate
Assessing the accuracy of digital Kansas GAP vegetation map products
Assessing wheat conditions in Kansas using an eight-year biweekly enhanced AVHRR data set and crop phenological indices
Characterization of Cross Reservoir and its subepilimnetic photosynthetic bacterial community
Checklist of Kansas damselflies
Development of biological criteria for macroinvertebrates for streams of the Western Corn Belt Plains Ecoregion
Distances as indices to movements and home-range size from trapping records of small mammals
Effects of a large Kansas reservoir on downstream groundwater quality
Effects of nutrient enrichment on a successional tallgrass prairie
Extrapolating inventory results into biodiversity estimates and the importance of stopping rules
Floristic and soil organic matter changes after five and thirty-five years of native tallgrass prairie restoration
Genetic variability in the federal threatened Mead's milkweed, Asclepias meadii Torrey (Asclepiadaceae), as determined by allozyme electrophoresis
Huron Smith's ethnobotany of the Hocak (Winnebago)
Identification of wetland restoration sites on the Potawatomi Indian Reservation
Identifying wetland meadows in Grand Teton National Park using remote sensing and average wetland values
Immunological associations with density and survival in wild populations of cotton rats and prairie voles