Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
Dilution of specialist pathogens drives productivity benefits from diversity in plant mixtures
Fungal community dissimilarity predicts plant-soil feedback strength in a lowland tropical forest
How social and ecological characteristics shape transaction costs in polycentric wildfire governance: insights from the Sequoia-Kings Canyon Ecosystem, California, USA
Interactions with fungi vary among Tripsacum dactyloides genotypes from across a precipitation gradient
Introducing desirable patches to initiate ecosystem transitions and accelerate ecosystem restoration
Is macroporosity controlled by complexed clay and soil organic carbon?
Land management drives dynamic changes to microbial function through edaphic factors and soil biota
Legacy effects of precipitation and land use impact maize growth and microbiome assembly under drought stress
Plant productivity response to inter- and intra-symbiont diversity: Mechanisms, manifestations, and meta-analyses
Pyrophilic plants respond to postfire soil conditions in a frequently burned longleaf pine savanna
Rapid differentiation of soil and root microbiomes in response to plant composition and biodiversity in the field
Screening the maize rhizobiome for consortia that improve Azospirillum brasilense root colonization and plant growth outcomes
The cost of movement: assessing energy expenditure in a long-distant ectothermic migrant under climate change
Spatial structure within root systems moderates stability of arbuscular mycorrhizal mutualism and plant-soil feedbacks
Role of plant relatedness in plant-soil feedback dynamics of sympatric Asclepias species
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi taxa show variable patterns of micro-scale dispersal in prairie restorations
Conservation strategy for the Greater Prairie-Chicken and the plains and prairie subspecies of Sharp-tailed Grouse
Hydrology of a hydroperiod: Assessing recharge to the High Plains aquifer through a playa in western Kansas
Inoculation with native grassland soils improves native plant species germination in highly disturbed soil
Inoculation with native soil improves seedling survival and reduces non-native reinvasion in a grassland restoration
Investigating vernal pool fairy shrimp exposure to to organophosphate pesticides: Implications for population-level risk assessment
The root-associated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal assemblages of exotic alien plants are simplified in invaded distribution ranges, but dominant species are retained: A trans-continental perspective
From soils to streams: Connecting terrestrial carbon transformation, chemical weathering, and solute export across hydrological regimes
A new species of Tanymastigites Brtek, 1972 (Anostraca: Tanymastigidae) from Libya
Acaulospora mendoncae (Acaulosporaceae), a new fungal species in the Glomeromycota from maritime sand dunes from southern Brazil
Evidence for the evolution of native plant response to mycorrhizal fungi in post-agricultural grasslands
Native mycorrhizal fungi improve milkweed growth, latex, and establishment while some commercial fungi may inhibit them
Soil characteristics and bare ground cover differ among jurisdictions and disturbance histories in Western U.S. protected area-centered ecosystems
Substrate and low intensity fires influence bacterial communities in longleaf pine savanna
A review of projects completed as the GIS/remote sensing specialist to the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
A social perennial vision for the North American Great Plains rooted in the resilience of a natural system-inspired agriculture (book chapter)
Assessing placement bias in the global river gauge network
Biodiversity stabilizes plant communities through statistical-averaging effects rather than compensatory dynamics
Can nucleation bridge to desirable alternative stable states? Theory and Applications
Dissolved organic carbon mobilization across a climate transect of mesic boreal forests is explained by air temperature and snowpack duration
Disturbance and nutrients synchronize kelp forests across scales through interacting Moran effects
Embracing the dynamic nature of soil structure: A paradigm illuminating the role of life in critical zones of the Anthropocene
Fire as a driver of fungal diversity—A synthesis of current knowledge
How hungry roots get their microbes
Increases in vein length compensate for leaf area lost to lobing in grapevine
Integrating social and ecological predictors to understand variation within ecosystems: A case study of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park PACE
Intraspecific variation in migration timing of green sturgeon in the Sacramento River system
Making sense of multivariate community responses in global change experiments
Multifaceted DNA metabarcoding of guano to uncover multiple classes of ecological data in two different bat communities
Mycorrhizal responsiveness predicts plant community changes in response to long term N and P fertilization.
Native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) promote native plant diversity and suppress weeds four years following inoculation
Perennial, but not annual, legumes synergistically benefit from infection with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia: a Meta-analysis
Pine savanna restoration on agricultural landscapes: The path back to native savanna ecosystem services
Precipitation, not land use, primarily determines the composition of both plant and phyllosphere fungal communities
Preferential allocation of benefits and resource competition among recipients allows coexistence of symbionts within hosts