Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
Population variation in Fraxinus Americana L. (white ash) in a common garden at the edge of the species range
Regional stream classification frameworks and biotic homogenization in streams of the Midwest: An evaluation using landscape-scale patterns in fish communities
Renewing the native food traditions of Bison Nation
Roadsides and pollinator conservation: The relationship between native bees and floral diversity
Soil nitrogen cycling at an old-field site experiencing woody plant succession and fragmentation
Species richness and composition: The varying importance of plant colonization along resource gradients
The Amphibians, Turtles, and Reptiles of Cheyenne Bottoms
Amphibian and reptile responses on a Kansas natural area
Checklist of Kansas Orbweaving Spiders
Ciprofloxacin attenuation rates and mechanisms in aquatic field systems
Direct-push hydrostratigraphic profiling: coupling electrical logging and slug tests
Effect of a mobile fine fraction on slug test results
Extension for BATHTUB: ArcInterface User's Manual
Factors limiting fruit production in Asclepias meadii in northeastern Kansas
Fate and effects of Enrofloxacin in aquatic systems under different light conditions
High-resolution slug testing
Hydraulic tomography and high-resolution slug testing to determine hydraulic conductivity distributions—Year 1
Hydrogeological methods for estimation of spatial variations in hydraulic conductivity
Observations on wandering of juvenile snakes in northeastern Kansas
Plant diversity and soil characteristics of managed grasslands in Northeastern Kansas
Response of water column microbial communities to sudden exposure to Deltamethrin in aquatic mesocosms
Responses of molecular indicators of exposure in mesocosms: Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) exposed to the herbicides alachlor and atrazine
Secondary succession in an experimentally fragmented landscape: Community patterns across space and time
Status of the orb-weaver spider genus Acanthepeira (Araneae: Araneidae) in Kansas
Taxonomic studies on Ustilaginomycetes — 25
Using time-series airborne multispectral imagery to characterize grassland cover and land management practices influencing soil carbon stocks
2005. Fagopyrum. Chapter Polygonaceae (31). Flora of North America, Vol. 5
A Checklist of the Vertebrate Animals of Kansas
A natural areas inventory of Douglas, Johnson, Leavenworth, Miami, and Wyandotte Counties in northeast Kansas
A new Kansas locality for Virginia valeriae
A review of the issues related to taxonomic resolution in biological monitoring of aquatic ecosystems with an emphasis on macroinvertebrates
A survey of natural area sites in Cherokee County, Kansas
A survey of selected species of herpetofauna in the lower Marais de Cygnes river valley, Linn and Miami counties, Kansas
Aconogonon. Chapter Polygonaceae. Flora of North America, Vol. 5
An integrated modeling approach to watershed management: Water and watershed assessment of Cheney Reservoir, Kansas, USA
Assessment of soil erodibility indices for Conservation Reserve Program lands in southwestern Kansas using satellite imagery and GIS techniques
Bistorta. Chapter Polygonaceae (33), Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Chapter 2, Polygonaceae. Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Chapter Polygonaceae (22), Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Current status of native fish species in Kansas
Disappearance of radio-monitored timber rattlesnakes
Emex. Chapter Polygonaceae (24), Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Fallopia. Chapter Polygonaceae (29), Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Franklin County herp count
Identification and quantification of reference conditions associated with lotic ecosystems of the Central Plains and surrounding regions: A summary of approaches and factors
Image masking for crop yield forecasting using time series AVHRR NDVI imagery
Koenigia. Chapter Polygonaceae (35). Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Lampropeltis calligaster (Prairie Kingsnake): New record length for entire range
Linking microbial activity and soil organic matter transformations in forest soils under elevated CO2
Marais des Cygnes WMA herp count