Honors & awards 2023

Among scientists
Jim Thorp, senior scientist and professor of EEB, was one of five scientists named 2023 Fellows of the Society for Freshwater Science.Our scientists, including students, are routinely recognized for outstanding work. The list below covers selected awards received in 2023.
Jim Bever, senior scientist and Foundation Distinguished Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
• Elected to Fellow of the Ecological Society of America
Vadim Karatayev, postdoctoral researcher, Reuman Lab
• KU Postdoctoral Achievement Award, which carries $5,000 in funding; current research is funded by an NSF postdoctoral fellowship. See KU News story on the Research Achievement Awards.
Liz Koziol, assistant research professor
• Women in Soil Science Award, $5,000
• Journal of Applied Ecology 2022 Southwood Prize, Shortlist, Best Paper by an Early Career Researcher
Dan Reuman, senior scientist
• Continuing: Humboldt Research Award (€60,000 prize for international excellence in research)
• Continuing: James S. McDonnell Foundation Complex Systems Scholar
Ben Sikes
• Selected as a 2022–2023 NASA Spaceflight Technology, Applications and Research Fellow. The STAR program is a virtual NASA program for space biosciences training. There were 25 fellows selected for the third cohort (globally).
Jim Thorp, senior scientist
• One of five scientists named 2023 Fellows of the Society for Freshwater Science, his principal science society.