Annual Report 2023

Director's note
Reaching up & reaching out
The year 2023 is one for us to celebrate. The most significant center-wide activity this year was preparing for the five-year review of the Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research. With tireless effort from many people in our research community, we compiled a self-study that impressed an internal review team and external reviewers. The overall assessment deemed that we are successful in carrying out our mission of serving Kansas and the global environment through ecological research, education and outreach.
In 2023 — the endpoint of the five-year review — this research center functioned at an all-time high with respect to external funding, publications, research applications, and education through outreach. A challenge we face going forward will be sustaining and growing our research and discovery, service to Kansas and public engagement. To this end, we were very fortunate to recruit Kristen Baum in 2023 as a senior scientist and director of Monarch Watch; her research program and leadership will contribute greatly to the future success of our research center. In 2023 we were also interacting with the public more than ever through growing education programs and outdoor activities at the KU Field Station, as well as maintaining a very special program that teaches ecology lessons to more than 200 third-graders. The Kansas Ecosystems for Elementary Students program would not be operational without the good will and volunteer efforts of many graduate students in this research center and those who are also able to speak Spanish.
Each year, my gratitude grows for people at the Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research who untiringly contribute to the success of our vision and mission that is becoming more known and recognized throughout KU and beyond.

Sara G. Baer