Forest Legacy Reserve

In 2015, an additional 202 acres became part of the Baldwin Woods Forest Preserve when local landowners, working cooperatively with the Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research, sold acreage below market value for the purpose of preserving it as part of the KU Field Station.

The acquisition of these lands was made possible through the assistance of several organizations:

  • The Conservation Fund worked in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which provided access to mitigation funds from Enbridge Pipelines L.L.C. and TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, LP.
  • The Douglas County Heritage Conservation Council provided funding through a grant.
  • The Kansas Land Trust provided technical support.
  • KU Endowment holds a portion of the land in protection in perpetuity.
  • The remainder, which was identified by the Kansas Forest Service as having exceptional conservation value, was chosen as the first Legacy Forest in Kansas by the U.S. Forest Service. The Forest Legacy Program is funded by Congress through the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Our annual fall tours explore this part of the Preserve.