Aquatic research facilities

Cross Reservoir

This 3-hectare, 13-meter-deep impoundment, within a protected watershed, has unusually high water clarity for the region and undergoes strong thermal stratification.

Experimental ponds

The pond array has 100 ponds in total (including 75, 0.1-hectare cells) and several specially constructed components. The design facilitates incorporating new research capabilities such as experimental streams or land-water interface systems.

Mesocosm tanks

Eighty mesocosms (11-square-meter fiberglass tanks) provide research in highly controlled field settings.

Geohydrology Environmental Monitoring Site (GEMS)

Developed by scientists at the Kansas Geological Survey, this facility just down the road from the core research and operations area is dedicated to developing methods for evaluating and modeling aquifers; it also supports course and workshop offerings.