Validation of the Clean Water Farms Project

Start Date: 1996

End Date: 2001

Full Citation:

Kansas Dept. Health and Environment. 1999 - 2001. "Validation of the Clean Water Farms Project." PI: D. Huggins.


  • Aquatic

Associated with the KU Field Station: No

Research Summary:

This research project was funded by USEPA Section 319 grant distributed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) to the Kansas Biological Survey (KBS) as a companion grant to the Clean Water Farms Project of the Kansas Rural Center (KRC). The Kansas Biological Survey established stream monitoring programs on eight of the thirty-five farms selected for the Clean Water Farms Project. Programs were designed to gather data on changes in on-site water quality relative to the best management practices implemented on the farms.

Huggins, D., W.W. Spotts, S.H. Wang, N. Lim, D. Baker. 2003. Validation of best management practices on eight Kansas farms. Kansas Biological Survey, Lawrence, KS Report No. 105. 88pp.


Automatic stream sampler.

Confining cattle to feed lots leads to devegetation, erosion and water quality problems including fecal coliform contamination.

An eight-foot lysimeter is used to collect subsurface drainage (i.e. soil water).