Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Vegetation-index models predict areas vulnerable to purple loosestrife (Lythrum Salicaria) invasion in Kansas
Vegetation survey and mapping of the Fort Riley Military Reservation, Kansas
Vegetation phenological metrics and their relation to water quality and biophysical condition in Central Plains streams
Vegetation of the Fort Riley Military Reservation, Kansas
Vegetation mapping and digital data base development for the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve
Vegetation dynamics in an experimentally fragmented landscape
Vegetation classification and mapping of Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve
Vegetation classification and mapping of Homestead National Monument of America
Vegetation and habitat along the Gila River in southwestern New Mexico
Vegetation analysis of Western Kansas playa lakes — 1993-1995
Vascular plants new to three states in the central United States
Vascular plants new to Kansas
Vascular flora of the Dingus Natural Area, Linn County, Kansas
Variation in vigilance in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in northeastern Kansas
Variation in the breeding system of Elymus canadensis
Variation in relative clutch mass in snakes among and within species
Variation in plant traits and disease levels across a woodland/grassland ecotone
Variation in morphological characteristics of the White-footed Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) and the Deer Mouse (P. maniculatus) under allotopic and syntopic conditions
Variation in macroinvertebrate community structure of functional process zones along the river continuum
Variation in estimates of outcrossing in musk thistle populations
Variation in clutch and litter size in New World reptiles
Variation in Allee effects: Evidence, unknowns, and directions forward
Variability in nutrient limitation of Kansas reservoirs
Valley-scale hydrogeomorphology drives river fish assemblage variation in Mongolia
Validation of best management practices on eight Kansas farms
Val Houston Smith (1950-2016): Putting the puzzle together from organelles to ecosystems
Utilizing a geographic information system for vegetation change detection
Utilization of microbiomes for crop production: Mitigative and adaptive opportunities via community complementarity
Utility of multi-level slug tests to define spatial variation of hydraulic conductivity in an alluvial aquifer, Northeast Kansas
Utility of large subunit for environmental sequencing of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: A new reference database and pipeline
Using USDA crop progress data for the evaluation of greenup onset date calculated from MODIS 250-meter data
Using unmanned aerial vehicles to sample aquatic ecosystems
Using time-series airborne multispectral imagery to characterize grassland cover and land management practices influencing soil carbon stocks
Using temporal averaging to decouple annual and nonannual information in AVHRR NDVI time series
Using multispectral aerial imagery to map the vegetation of Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area
Using logistic regression to model wolf habitat suitability in the northern Rocky Mountains
Using local knowledge and remote sensing to map known and potential prairie-chicken distribution in Kansas
Using Landsat TM imagery to estimate coverage of natural grassland and rare species habitat
Using Landsat TM imagery and spatial modeling in automatic habitat evaluation and release site selection for the ruffed grouse (Galliformes: Tetraonidae)
Using high-frequency soil oxygen sensors to predict greenhouse gas emissions from wetlands
Using geographical techniques and an understanding of combine operation for generating spatially continuous yield maps from yield monitor data
Using ecological systems as land cover map units for the GAP Analysis Program in Kansas: Summary Report to the USGS-BRD Gap Analysis Program
Using DNA profiling to investigate human-mediated translocations of invasive species
Using CRP maps derived from satellite imagery to characterize landscape structure and relationships
Using crop masks and remotely sensed data to develop pre-harvest forecasts of winter wheat yields in Kansas
Using Conservation Reserve Program maps derived from satellite imagery to characterize landscape structure
Using C and MetaWINDOW graphics primitives to develop software for exploring spatial data
Using AVHRR satellite data to model pheasant population trends in northwest Kansas
Using 10-meter digital airborne imagery to classify crop types in Iowa
Use of remote sensing in modeling sage grouse winter habitat