Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
Ingredient safety review for the Purple Coneflower, Echinacea purpurea and Echinace angustifolia
Kansas natural areas report 1993
Measurements of ecosystem stability as an endpoint in ecological effects testing
Models of structured populations: Age and mass transition matrices
Natural communities of Kansas IX: Marshes, swamps, seeps, and fens
Natural communities of Kansas VIII: Floodplain forests and woodlands
Natural communities of Kansas X: Perennial rivers and streams
Natural communities of Kansas XI: Intermittent streams and springs
Pheasant habitat differentiation using satellite data and semivariance
Relationships between tallgrass prairie canopy architecture and close range off-nadir hyper-spectral reflectance patterns
Relative abundance of snakes in Kansas
Sediment transfers and representativeness of mesocosm test fauna
Source(s), fate, and residence time of nitrate in groundwater, a comparison of carbonate and alluvial aquifers
Spectral-ecological characterization and mapping of forest cover types in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Structural equation modeling and ecosystem analysis
Survey for the American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) in Kansas
The ecotoxic effects of atrazine on aquatic ecosytems: An assessment of direct and indirect effects using structural equation modeling
The effect of dispersal on within patch population dynamics in metapopulations with strong local density-dependence and environmental heterogeneity
The effect of mass on survivorship and reproduction in a northern population of the hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus)
The fate and effects of GUTHION in mesocosms
The feasibility of stocking largemouth bass in 0.04 ha mesocosms used for pesticide researc
The influence of regional processes on local communities: Examples from an experimentally fragmented landscape
Turning back the clock on ecological effects testing
Unionid mussels in Kansas: Overview of conservation efforts and harvest regulations
Use of remote sensing in modeling sage grouse winter habitat
An introduction to fern genetics and breeding systems
A neglected facet of island biogeography: The role of internal spatial dynamics in area effects
A reanalysis of the influence of sex ratio on dispersal in the prairie vole, Microtus ochrogaster
A test of a kin-selection model for vole cycles: Reproductive success, survival, and social interactions of female prairie voles
Analysis of multitemporal narrow-band spectroradiometer measurements from six prairie treatments in Kansas
Assessing small mammal abundance data using capture-recapture data: Performance of three commonly used estimators, CAPTURE, JOLLY, and the MINIMUM NUMBER KNOWN ALIVE
Autopolyploidy and its contribution to fern genetics and evolution: Evidence from a maidenhair mutant
Breeding bird census. 11. Oak hickory forest I
Classifying remotely sensed data for use in an agricultural non-point source pollution model
Composition and phenology of Chironomidae from the Nelson Environmental Study Area, University of Kansas
Diverse and contrasting effects of habitat fragmentation
Effects of paternal care in the early environment on the growth, development, survival, and subsequent paternal behavior in prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster
EXPLOREMAP: An exploration system for choropleth maps
Incipient polyploid speciation in the maidenhair fern (Adiantum pedatum; Adiantaceae)?
Kansas natural areas report 1992
Medicinal Wild Plants of the Prairie — An Ethnobotanical Guide
Methods of sampling snake populations and their relative success
Modeling endangered bird species habitat using remote sensing and geographic information systems
Natural communities of Kansas IV: Sand and sandsage prairies
Natural communities of Kansas V: Upland forests and woodlands
Natural communities of Kansas VI: Glades
Natural communities of Kansas VII: Low prairies
Photosynthetic responses of three species to acute exposures of nitrate- and sulfate-containing aerosols
Population processes and biological diversity
Rapid establishment of test conditions and trophic-level interactions in 0.04-hectare earthen pond mesocosms