Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
Vegetation dynamics in an experimentally fragmented landscape
A synopsis of the genus Packera (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) in Mexico
Developing a land cover modeling protocol for the High Plains using multi-seasonal Thematic Mapper imagery
Pracht Wetland landcover inventory
Remote sensing of coniferous forest structure in Grand Teton National Park
A comparison of geometric and geographic windows for measuring landscape structure
A microtopographical approach to the study of hillsides utilizing field data from a small watershed in northeastern Kansas
A survey of the herpetofauna on the Fort Riley Military Reservation
Drought-induced cracks in the soil as refuges for small mammals: An unforeseen consequence of climatic change
Ecology of Tomanthera auriculata, a rare annual plant
Effects of weather and climate on populations of small mammals: Implications for climatic change
Foraging behavior of a zooplanktivorous fish, Pomoxis annularis, at low prey densities
Growth, photosynthesis, water relations and competition of the old-field species Abutilon theophrasti, Ambrosia trifida, and Helianthus annuus grown under controlled conditions
Juvenile sex ratio in the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster): A field experiment and theoretical considerations
Modeling coniferous forest succession in Yellowstone National Park through integration of Landsat Thematic Mapper and GIS data
Natural Communities of Kansas XII: Caves
Natural history observations of the spider, Pisaurina dubia (Hentz) (Araneae: Pisauridae), in northeastern Kansas
Neosho watershed impact study
North American genera of Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
Phase II: An evaluation of environmental impact statement (EIS) mitigation measures
Source(s), fate, and residence time of nitrate in ground water at two sites in Kansas: A comparison of carbonate and alluvial aquifers (Year 2)
Survey for the Plains Spotted Skunk in Sedgwick County, Kansas
The effect of relatedness on spacing behavior and fitness of female prairie voles
The effects of habitat fragmentation on populations of small mammals in eastern Kansas
The use of slug tests to describe vertical variations in hydraulic conductivity
A survey for protected and rare species and exemplary natural areas on the McConnell Air Force Base in Sedgwick County, Kan.
Biodiversity in the grassland biome of central North America: Perceptions, problems, and possibilities
Converting Public Land Survey information into digital maps of improved accuracy and usefulness
Identifying riparian buffers that function to control nonpoint source pollution impacts to instream communities: Feasibility study in the Delaware River Basin, Kansas
Landsat Thematic Mapper characterization of coniferous forest succession
Large-scale outdoor microcosms: Tools for ecological assessment of pesticides
Rockefeller Prairie: A case study of plant guild classification of a tallgrass prairie
The ecotoxic effects of atrazine on aquatic ecosystems: An assessment of direct and indirect effects using structural equation modeling
A hierarchical classification of Landsat TM data to identify natural grassland areas and rare species habitat
A survey for endangered and threatened species on the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant, Johnson County, Kansas
An integrative change detection approach utilizing remotely sensed data and geographic information systems
Analysis of nadir and off-nadir hyperspectral and sunfleck measurements for six prairie treatments in Kansas
Analysis of suspended solids in water using remotely sensed high resolution derivative spectra
Aquatic mesocosms in ecological effects testing: Detecting direct and indirect effects of pesticides
Assessing shrub distribution and impact in tallgrass prairie using aerial and ground-based mapping
Characterization of a native prairie and old-field transition: Implications for plant species invasibility
Differential effectiveness of standard and long Sherman livetraps in capturing small mammals
Earthen ponds vs. fiberglass tanks as venues for assessing the impact of pesticides on aquatic environments: A parallel study with sulprofos
Ecological genetic interactions of pathogenic rust fungi and their host plants
Ecology at the mesoscale: The influence of regional processes on local communities
Effect of mass on seasonal survivorship of northern cotton rats
Effects of an experimental increase in resource abundance on population dynamics and community structure in small mammals
Effects of TM tasseled cap transformations and an edge enhancement of land use/land cover classification accuracy
Follow-up evaluation of Lone Star Lake
Influences on land management and weather on plant biophysical and hyper-spectral response patterns of tallgrass prairies in northeastern Kansas