Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
The interaction between plant competition and disease
The interaction of habitat fragmentation, plant, and small mammal succession in an old field: Patterns and mechanisms
The potential role of soil fungal pathogens in tallgrass prairie communities
Throughfall chemistry of an ecotonal forest on the edge of the Great Plains
Trophic rank and the species-area relationship
Variation in morphological characteristics of the White-footed Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) and the Deer Mouse (P. maniculatus) under allotopic and syntopic conditions
Vascular plants new to Kansas
Use attainability analyses of Baldwin Creek, Douglas County, Kansas
The population dynamics of annual plants and soil-borne fungal pathogens
Butterfly species in native prairie and restored prairie
Chorusing phenology and habitat associations of the crawfish frog, Rana areolata (Anura: Ranidae), in Kansas
Effects of forest regeneration on texture in Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery
From metapopulation dynamics to community structure: Some consequences of spatial heterogeneity
Influence of temporal variation in flow permanence on population dynamics and community structure of benthic insects in an intermittent stream of Eastern Kansas
Land ownership and tenure of the largest land parcels in the Flint Hills of Kansas
Phenological dynamics of sagebrush communities in multitemporal IRS satellite imagery
Strategies for survival and persistence in a planktivore-structured community: A study of the pelagic zooplankton in Cross Reservoir
Application of mark-recapture models to estimation of the population size of plants
Assessing biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Avian use and vegetation characteristics of Conservation Reserve Program fields
Checklist of Kansas dragonflies
Ecological risk assessment in environmental decision-making
Empirical relationships between structural and spectral factors of Yellowstone lodgepole pine forests
Factors affecting biodegradation of organic contaminants in aquatic systems
Mapping the Kansas grasslands: A multitemporal approach
Nesting piping plover and least tern on the Kansas River
Plant species provide key to range management success
The Kansas Applied Remote Sensing program
Distribution of mound-building ants on native and restored northeastern Kansas prairies
A multitemporal approach to characterizing Oklahoma reservoir wetlands
A natural areas inventory of the K-10 Corridor: Protected and rare species and outstanding natural communities along Kansas Highway 10 in Douglas and Johnson counties, Kansas
A phenological approach to land cover characterization using Landsat MSS data for analysis of nonpoint source pollution
A study of the invasion and establishment of native species into a partially restored tallgrass prairie in northeastern Kansas
An integrated interface system to couple the SWAT model and Arc/Info
Assessment of the effects of nonpoint source pollution on the biotic integrity of Walnut Creek
Canonical correlation analysis of coniferous forest spectral and biotic relationships
Comparison of nadir and off-nadir multispectral response patterns for six tallgrass prairie treatments in eastern Kansas
Comparison of seasonal nadir and off-nadir multispectral response patterns for six tallgrass prairie treatments in eastern Kansas
Disturbance history and topography in a midwestern ravine forest: Influences on community structure
Ecological genetic interactions between a clonal host plant (Spartina pectinata) and associated rust fungi (Puccinia seymouriana) and (Puccinia sparganoides)
Evaluation of least tern habitat using Landsat-derived data
Experimental verification of a general model for slug tests
Food webs in space: An island biogeographic perspective
GIS-based solar radiation modeling
Habitat differences in mass-specific litter sizes of hispid cotton rats
Historical changes in a herpetofaunal assemblage in the Flint Hills of Kansas
Identification and delineation of loggerhead shrike habitat on the Fort Riley Military Reservation
Improving the quality of parameter estimates obtained from slug tests
Integration architecture and internal database for coupling a hydrologic model and Arc/Info
Integration of multispectral and ecological data for characterizing montane meadow communities in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem