Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
An update to Kansas's threatened and endangered species GIS databases
Assessment of Clinton Lake and Its Watershed: Water quality and plankton communities in Clinton Lake, Kansas, May 1997 through November 1998
Biophysical and spectral characteristics of cool- and warm-season grasslands under three land management practices in eastern Kansas
Close-range remote sensing of aquatic macrophyte vegetation cover
Conservation easements in the 10th Federal Circuit
Crop identification using harmonic analysis of time-series AVHRR NDVI data
Development of a value-added, remotely sensed product for commercial distribution
Dimensions of desertification in the drylands of Northern China
Direct-push hydraulic profiling in an unconsolidated alluvial aquifer
Ecoregional Conservation in the Osage Plains/Flint Hills Prairie
EPA Region VII R-EMAP Project: Landscape analysis and characterization to support regional environmental assessment (LACRA)
Evaluation of time-series Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery and derived spectral indices for differentiating irrigated and non-irrigated cropland in a semi-arid environment
Forecasting corn yield in IA using remotely sensed data and vegetation phenology information
Geographic distribution, Lampropeltis triangulum multistrata
Geomicrobial denitrifying and nitrifying characteristics of a nitrate-contaminated alluvial aquifer, northeastern Kansas
Historical perspective: Henry S. Fitch
Hummingbird pollination of epiphytic ericaceae in the cloud forest canopy
Hydrology and geochemistry of an alluvial aquifer near a floodplain margin
Land-use history in ecosystem restoration: A 40-year study in the prairie-forest ecotone
Landscape structure analysis of Kansas at three scales
Modeling biophysical factors for grasslands in Eastern Kansas using Landsat TM data
Montane meadows as indicators of environmental change
Multi-temporal approach to Kansas natural vegetation mapping and landscape pattern analysis in Finney County, Kansas
Partners in Flight Conservation Plan for the Osage Plains (Physiographic Area 33)
Planting forbs first provides greater species diversity in tallgrass prairie restorations
Population genetic and population ecological consequences of crop-wild sunflower hybridization
Population structure and biomass of some common snakes in central North America
Relations between productivity, climate, and normalized difference vegetation index in the central Great Plains
Remote sensing-based geostatistical modeling of forest canopy structure
Remote sensing-based geostatistical modeling of Yellowstone's forests
Review: A Kansas Snake Community: Composition and Changes over 50 Years
Review: A Kansas Snake Community: Composition and Changes over 50 Years
Survey for the Topeka Shiner, Notropis topeka, and the American Burying Beetle, Nicrophorus americanus, on the Smoky Hill ANG Range in Kansas
The interaction of habitat fragmentation, plant, and small mammal succession in an old field
Time-series classification of high-temporal resolution AVHRR NDVI imagery of Mexico
Using 10-meter digital airborne imagery to classify crop types in Iowa
Using geographical techniques and an understanding of combine operation for generating spatially continuous yield maps from yield monitor data
Vascular plants new to three states in the central United States
Harmonic analysis of time-series AVHRR NDVI data for characterizing U.S. Great Plains land use/land cover
Longitudinal gradients in nutrients and phytoplankton in the Ohio River
Using CRP maps derived from satellite imagery to characterize landscape structure and relationships
Vegetation phenological metrics and their relation to water quality and biophysical condition in Central Plains streams
Nitrate distribution and reduction in a semi-confined alluvial aquifer: geohydrologic, experimental and monitoring site (GEMS), Douglas County, Kansas
A half century of change in a Kansan avian community
A remote sensing and GIS-based model of habitats and biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
A survey for protected and rare species and exemplary natural areas on the McConnell Air Force Base in Sedgwick County, Kan.
A systematic survey for protected and rare species and the identification of riparian natural communities along the Solomon River in north-central Kansas
Agricultural applications: GreenReport — Vegetation Index Greenness Maps
An analysis of the trophic state of Clinton Lake
Annual and demographic comparisons of botfly parasitism of small mammals in Northeastern KS