Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
Current status of native fish species in Kansas
Disappearance of radio-monitored timber rattlesnakes
Emex. Chapter Polygonaceae (24), Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Fallopia. Chapter Polygonaceae (29), Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Franklin County herp count
Identification and quantification of reference conditions associated with lotic ecosystems of the Central Plains and surrounding regions: A summary of approaches and factors
Image masking for crop yield forecasting using time series AVHRR NDVI imagery
Koenigia. Chapter Polygonaceae (35). Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Lampropeltis calligaster (Prairie Kingsnake): New record length for entire range
Linking microbial activity and soil organic matter transformations in forest soils under elevated CO2
Marais des Cygnes WMA herp count
MODIS land surface temperature composite data and their relationships with climatic water budget factors in the central Great Plains
Muehlenbeckia. Chapter Polygonaceae (23), Flora of North America, Vol. 5
New localities in Ohio for five vascular plant species
Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth in Central Plains reservoirs, USA
Oxyria. Chapter Polygonaceae (27), Flora of North America
Persicaria. Chapter Polygonaceae (32). Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Phytoplankton species richness scales consistently from laboratory microcosms to the world's oceans
Polygonaceae subfamily Polygonoideae. Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Polygonella. Chapter Polygonaceae (28), Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Predicting the effects of watershed management on the eutrophication of reservoirs in the Central Plains: An integrated modeling approach
Rangeland biocomplexity and cattle stocking rates in Kansas
Regional vegetation die-off in response to global change type drought
Rehabilitation of large rivers: References, achievements and integration into river management
Relations between NDVI, grassland production, and crop yield in the central Great Plains
Relationships between cyanobacterial production and the physical and chemical properties of a midwestern reservoir, USA
Rheum. Chapter Polygonaceae (25), Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Soybean production and conversion of tropical forest in the Brazilian Amazon: The case of Vilhena, Rondonia
Spatial distribution of Spartina pectinata transplants to restore wet prairie
State-level crop mapping in the U.S. Central Great Plains agroecosystem using MODIS 250-meter NDVI data
Sub-sampling techniques for macroinvertebrates, fish, and benthic algae sampled in biological monitoring of streams and rivers
Summary of state and national biological and physical habitat assessment methods with a focus on USEPA Region 7 states
The big picture — satellite remote sensing applications in rangeland assessment and crop insurance
The role of slackwater areas and the hydrologic exchange for biogeochemical processes in river corridors: Examples from the Austrian Danube
The Snakes, Lizards, Turtles, and Amphibians of Fort Riley and Vicinity. The Snakes, Lizards, Turtles, and Amphibians of Fort Riley and Vicinity
Timber Rattlesnake Conservation Action Plan — Kansas
What is a native plant?
Zooplankton in turbid and hydrologically dynamic, prairie rivers
A rapid estimation procedure for within-tree populations of red oak borer (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
An herpetofaunal survey of Custer State Park, Custer County, South Dakota
Antigonon. Chapter Polygonaceae. Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Development and comparison of intensive and extensive sampling methods and preliminary within-tree population estimates of red oak borer (Coleoptera: Cerambycide) in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas
Dissolved oxygen fluctuation regimes in streams of the Western Corn Belt Plains ecoregion
Floristic survey of a highly disturbed wet area: Shaker Median Park, Beachwood, Ohio
Mesocosm study on the fate of antibiotic resistance genes to aquatic systems
New records of amphibians, turtles, and reptiles in Kansas for 2004
Biological assessment of existing TMDL streams, status report
Final Report — Data management and support for statewide surveys of fish and macroinvertebrates
Microhabitat selection of Peromyscus leucopus and P. maniculatus in mid-successional vegetation
Propagule pools mediate community assembly and diversity-ecosystem regulation along a grassland productivity gradient