Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
Increases in vein length compensate for leaf area lost to lobing in grapevine
Integrating social and ecological predictors to understand variation within ecosystems: A case study of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park PACE
Intraspecific variation in migration timing of green sturgeon in the Sacramento River system
Making sense of multivariate community responses in global change experiments
Multifaceted DNA metabarcoding of guano to uncover multiple classes of ecological data in two different bat communities
Mycorrhizal responsiveness predicts plant community changes in response to long term N and P fertilization.
Native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) promote native plant diversity and suppress weeds four years following inoculation
Perennial, but not annual, legumes synergistically benefit from infection with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia: a Meta-analysis
Pine savanna restoration on agricultural landscapes: The path back to native savanna ecosystem services
Precipitation, not land use, primarily determines the composition of both plant and phyllosphere fungal communities
Preferential allocation of benefits and resource competition among recipients allows coexistence of symbionts within hosts
Soil organic carbon stabilization in forest subsoils: Directions for the research community (Comment)
Soil variation among natural habitats alters glucosinolate content in a wild perennial mustard
Surface soil organic carbon sequestration under post agricultural grasslands offset by net loss at depth
Symbiont coexistence may be common in mutualisms because of negative physiological feedback in preferential allocation and resource partitioning
Tail-dependent spatial synchrony arises from nonlinear driver-response relationships
The Boechera model system for evolutionary ecology
The long and the short of it: Mechanism of synchronous and compensatory dynamics across temporal scales
The unknown biogeochemical impacts of drying rivers and streams
Working across scales to project soil biogeochemical responses to climate (book chapter)
(Sub)tropical large branchiopod crustaceans
An unavoidably short history of inland aquatic animal diversity research in the U.S. Virgin Islands
New and noteworthy records of vascular plants for Kansas
Plant-soil feedback as a driver of spatial structure in ecosystems: A commentary on "Belowground feedbacks as drivers of spatial self-organization and community assembly"
Prescribed grass fire evolution mapping and rate of spread measurement using orthorectified thermal imagery from a fixed-wing UAS
Review of the large branchiopod crustacean fauna of Qatar and adjacent areas
Review of the Limnadiidae (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata) of southern Africa
The potential for sustainable harvest of common persimmon (Diospyros virginiana L.) fruits at Pea Ridge National Military Park
Vascular flora of the Dingus Natural Area, Linn County, Kansas
Manipulating plant microbiomes in the field: Native mycorrhizae improve restoration quality
A commentary on “Belowground feedbacks as drivers of spatial self-organization and community assembly”
Alfalfa water productivity and yield gaps in the U.S. central Great Plains
Demography of botfly (Cuterebra fontinella) parasitism in white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) in Kansas
Effects of commercial arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculants on plant productivity and intra-radical colonization in native grassland: unintentional de-coupling of a symbiosis?
Effects of native and non-native earthworms on grassland plant communities and abundance of associated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Environmental identification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi using the LSU rDNA gene region
Global-scale shifts in rooting depths due to Anthropocene land cover changes pose unexamined consequences for Critical Zone functioning
Microbial mediators of plant community response to long-term N and P fertilization
Native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi promote native grassland diversity and suppress weeds 4 years following inoculation
Nitrogen-fixing symbiotic bacteria act as a global filter for plant establishment on islands
Review of the Limnadiidae (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata) of southern Africa
Seeding as a restoration technique for a rare prairie plant: an 11-year field experiment with Asclepias meadii
Thermal stress triggers productive viral infection of a key coral reef symbiont
Cyanobacterial blooms in oligotrophic lakes: Shifting the high nutrient paradigm
The DiscoverFramework freeware toolkit for multivariate spatio-temporal environmental data visualization and evaluation
A fertilizer waste release impacts nitrate uptake and metabolism in a large river
A framework for lotic macrosystem research
A new semiterrestrial freshwater crab in the genus Badestimon and a new record of Indochinamon from northern Thailand
A preliminary survey of the inland aquatic macroinvertebrate biodiversity of St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
A review of projects completed as the GIS/Remote Sensing Specialist to the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism, 2021