Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
Variation in plant traits and disease levels across a woodland/grassland ecotone
A new Nearctic species of Placonotus MacLeay (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae)
An adaptive decision framework for the conservation of a threatened plant
avpr1a length polymorphism is not associated with either social or genetic monogamy in free-living prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster)
Bathymetric and Sediment Survey of Elk City Reservoir, Montgomery County, Kansas
Carbon dynamics in aquatic ecosystems in response to elevated atmospheric CO2 and altered nutrient availability
Comparison of morphological versus molecular characters for discriminating between sympatric meadow and prairie voles
Ecology of early life stages in crop-wild sunflower hybrids
Female prairie voles exhibit social and sexual preferences for males with longer avpr1a microsatellite alleles
Intraspecific variability in the social and genetic mating systems of prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster
Penthoraceae. Flora of North America, Vol. 8
Integrated responses of grassland biodiversity and ecosystem properties to hay management: A field experiment
Monitoring and habitat management for species of greatest conservation need: Anderson County Prairie Preserve
Saving our soils
Seasonal variations in plant nitrogen relations and photosynthesis along a grassland to shrubland gradient in Owens Valley, California
Sediment contamination of residential streams in the metropoliltan Kansas City area, USA: Part II. Whole-sediment toxicity to the amphipod Hyalella azteca
Sediment contamination of residential streams in the metropolitan Kansas City area, USA: Part I. Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and pesticide-related compounds
The ecology of algal biodiesel production
A simple method for estimating the influence of eroding soil profiles on atmospheric CO2
Assessment of floodplain wetlands of the lower Missouri River using an EMAP study approach, Phase II: Verification of rapid assessment tools
Branchiopods (Anostraca, Notostraca) from protected areas of western Montana
Changes in the wild bee fauna of Rockefeller Prairie
Cladocera and other Branchiopoda
Comparison of snag and shoreline macroinvertebrate samples: A bioassessment of the Missouri River
Determining the utility and adaptability of remote sensing in monitoring and assessing reservoir eutrophication and turbidity for TMDL assessments
Differential fate of erythromycin and beta-lactam resistance genes from swine lagoon waste under different aquatic conditions
Disease in natural plant populations, communities, and ecosystems: Insights into ecological and evolutionary processes
Further notes on growth of juvenile Timber Rattlesnakes in northeastern Kansas
2005 Kansas Land Cover Patterns, Phase II: Final report
2009-2010 Annual Report: A review of GIS projects completed as the GIS/Remote Sensing Specialist to the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
A call to investigate drivers of soil organic matter retention vs. mineralization in a high CO2 world
A comparative analysis of phenological curves for major crops in Kansas
A comparison of MODIS 250-m EVI and NDVI data for crop mapping: A case study for southwest Kansas
A discrepancy between predictions of saturating nutrient uptake models and nitrogen-to-phosphorus stoichiometry in the surface ocean
A natural areas inventory of Anderson and Linn Counties in Kansas
A new species of Eulimnadia (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Diplostraca: Spinicaudata) from North America
Bathymetric and Sediment Survey of Hillsdale Reservoir, Miami County, Kansas
Bathymetric and sediment survey of Sabetha-Pony Creek Lake, Brown County, Kansas
Bathymetric and sediment survey of Woodson County State Fishing Lake, Woodson County, Kansas
Bathymetric and sediment survey of Yates Center New Reservoir, Woodson County, Kansas
Carpenteria. Chapter Hydrangeaceae. Flora of North America, Vol. 12
Commentary on Taylor 1961
Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates
Escalloniaceae. Chapter Escalloniaceae. Flora of North America​​​​​​​, Vol. 13
Final report on the potential effects of Jeffrey Energy Center effluent on the fish community of Lost Creek and unnamed receiving tributary
Geographers tackle landmines
Hydrangea. Chapter Hydrangeaceae. Flora of North America, Vol. 12
Introduction to the Proceedings, New Mexico Botanist 2:1-2.
Jamesia. Chapter Hydrangeaceae. Flora of North America​​​​​​​, Vol. 12
Linking ecosystem services, rehabilitation, and river hydrogeomorphology.