Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Year Title
Relating distribution to geochemical substrate properties in the USA
Roles of maternal effects and nuclear genetic composition change across the life cycle of crop-wild hybrids
Seed and microsite limitations mediate stochastic recruitment in a low-diversity prairie restoration
Soil properties and spatial processes influence bacterial metacommunities within a grassland restoration experiment
Strength of feedback determines relative abundance in plant communities: Theoretical considerations of the scale of dispersal and the scale and strength of feedback
Synergism and context dependency of interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia with a prairie legume
The funnelweb spider genus Agelenopsis (Araneae: Agelenidae) in Kansas
The marine diversity spectrum
Two new cryptic anostracan (Branchiopoda: Streptocephalidae, Chirocephalidae) species
Warming-induced enhancement of soil N2O efflux linked to distinct response times of genes driving N2O production and consumption
Withanolides from Physalis coztomatl
Withanolides from Physalis hispida
A metabolic perspective on competition and body size reductions with warming
A new species of Streptocephalus (Crustacea: Anostraca; Streptocephalidae) from the Western Ghats, India, with a key to the Asian species
Anostracan (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) Biogeography I. North American Bioregions
Tardigrades of Kansas: Identification and classification
Tardigrades in the canopy: Doryphoribius dawkinsi Michalczyk and Kaczmarek, 2010: New records from eastern Kansas, U.S.A.
2012-2013 Annual Report: A review of GIS projects completed as the GIS/remote sensing specialist to the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
A new lichenicolous Enterographa (Arthoniales, Roccellaceae) from central North America
A new species of Chirocephalus (Crustacea: Anostraca) from Iran
A new species of Fellhanera (lichenized Ascomycota: Pilocarpaceae) from central North America
A simple method for removing artifacts from moist fine-textured soil faces
A small-diameter NMR logging tool for groundwater investigations
A statistical analysis of medicinal plants: A case study of plant families in Kansas and the Great Plains
Acid hydrolysis to define a biologically-resistant pool is compromised by carbon loss and transformation
Annotated checklist of the large branchiopod crustaceans of Idaho, Oregon and Washington, USA, with the “rediscovery” of a new species of Branchinecta (Anostraca: Branchinectidae)
Anostraca Catalogus
Automated riverine landscape characterization: GIS-based tools for watershed-scale research, assessment, and management
Bathymetric and Sediment Survey of Boy Scout Lake, Chautauqua County, Kansas
Bathymetric and Sediment Survey of Crystal Lake, Anderson County, Kansas
Bathymetric and Sediment Survey of Garnett City Lake, Anderson County, Kansas
Bathymetric and Sediment Survey of Richmond City Lake, Franklin County, Kansas
Bathymetric and Sediment Survey of Sedan City Lake (New), Chautauqua County, Kansas
Bathymetric and Sediment Survey of Sedan City Lake (Old), Chautauqua County, Kansas
Bathymetric Survey of Kirwin Reservoir, Phillips County, Kansas
Classifying multiyear agricultural land use data from Mato Grosso using time-series MODIS Vegetation Index Data
Comparing surface and mid-troposphere CO2 concentrations from central U.S. grasslands
Current knowledge of the Southeast Asian large branchiopod Crustacea (Anostraca, Notostraca, Laevicaudata, Spinicaudata, Cyclestherida)
Effects of grassland management on breeding birds at the western edge of the tallgrass prairie ecosystem in Kansas
Fractal distribution of mass from the millimeter- to decimeter-scale in two soils under native and restored tallgrass prairie
Harvest sustainability study of wild populations of Osha, Ligusticum porteri
How interactions between microbial resource demands, soil organic matter stoichiometry, and substrate reactivity determine the direction and magnitude of soil respiratory responses to warming
Hydrothermal processing of wastewater-fed microalgae for biocrude production
Investigation and detection of infertility factors in populations of Mead’s milkweed (Asclepias meadii)
Legacies of native climate regime govern responses of boreal soil microbes to litter stoichiometry and temperature
Lewis and Clark’s influence on Echinacea
Multiscale interactions between water and carbon fluxes and environmental variables in a central US grassland
Plant community effects on Atrazine in grassed mesocosms
Quantifying soil structure from field excavation walls using multistripe laser triangulation scanning
Resolving centimeter-scale flows in aquifers and their hydrostratigraphic controls.