Start Date: 2008
End Date: 2008
Full Citation:
KDHE, 2008, $24,000, "Pottawatomie State Fishing Lake Assessment." PI: D. Huggins, Co-PI: N. Lim.
- Aquatic
Associated with the KU Field Station: No
Research Summary:
Pottawatomie State Fishing Lake was listed under the draft KDHE 2008 303(d) List as a water-quality impaired reservoir. There was a need to monitor current water-quality conditions of this lake to examine impairment status, i.e., if impairment persists, a total maximum daily load (TMDL) has to be developed for this lake by KDHE, as required by the Clean Water Act. In addition to the three sampling sites at the lake, the two tributaries of the lake were also sampled for nutrient and chlorophyll a analyses from July to September. Autosamplers were installed at the two tributaries to collect water samples during storm events.
The objectives of this project were:
1. Assess current trophic conditions (i.e., nutrient and chlorophyll a levels);
2. Determine incoming nutrient load via tributary baseflow water-quality monitoring and autosampler installation at the two tributaries to collect runoff water samples;
3. Determine limiting nutrient(s) via laboratory bioassay experiments.
Beury, J.H. and D.G. Huggins. 2009. Trophic State Analysis of Pottawatomie State Fishing Lake No. 1; Water Quality Impairment: Eutrophication, Dissolved Oxygen. Open-file Report No. 154. Kansas Biological Survey, Lawrence, KS. 8 pp.