Long-term studies of population and community ecology in an experimentally fragmented landscape

Start Date: 2000

End Date: 2008

Full Citation:

National Science Foundation, Long-Term Research in Environmental Biology (LTREB), $308,662, 2000–2004. Long-term studies of population and community ecology in an experimentally fragmented landscape. PI: E.A. Martinko. Co-PI’s: R.D. Holt, B.L. Foster, K.P. Price, P.M. Rich, N.A. Slade. 

Funding Extension:

National Science Foundation, Long-Term Research in Environmental Biology (LTREB), $300,000, 2003–2008. Long-term studies of population and community ecology in an experimentally fragmented landscape. PI: B.L. Foster. Co-PIs: R.H. Hagen, R.D. Holt, E.A. Martinko, K.P. Price.


  • Terrestrial

Associated with the KU Field Station: Yes