Start Date: 2007
End Date: 2007
Full Citation:
USACE, 2007, $97,047. "Lake Survey - USACE." PI: A. Dzialowski, Co-PI: N. Lim.
- Aquatic
Associated with the KU Field Station: No
Research Summary:
CPCB processed water samples collected by the Kansas City District United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as part of their Water Quality Program. USACE personnel collected water-quality samples from 18 reservoirs (Kansas, Missouri, nebraska, and Iowa) from May through September 2007.
Reservoirs sampled:
1. Blue Springs Lake
2. Clinton Lake
3. Harry S Truman Lake
4. Harlan County Lake
5. Hillsdale Lake
6. Kanopolis Lake
7. Long Branch Lake
8. Longview Lake
9. Melvern Lake
10. Milford Lake
11. Perry Lake
12. Pomme de Terre Lake
13. Pomona Lake
14. Rathbun Lake
15. Smithville Lake
16. Stockton Lake
17. Tuttle Creek Lake
18. Wilson Lake
Water-quality parameters and Method/Citation:
Total Phosphorus - Ebina et al. 1983
Orthophosphate - SM-4500-P
Total Nitrogen - Ebina et al. 1983
NO3/NO2 - SM-4500-NO3; -NO2
NH3 - SM-4500-NH3
Total Organic Carbon - SM-5310B
Total Suspended Solids - SM-2540D
Sulfate - SM-4110B
Alkalinity - SM-2320B
Atrazine - GC/MS (Thurman et al. 1990)
Alachlor - GC/MS (Thurman et al. 1990)
Geosmin - SPE-GC/MS (Pan 2002)
Herbicides - GC/MS (Thurman et al. 1990): Atrazine, deisopropylatrazine, deethylatrazine, alachlor, metolachlor, simazine, metribuzin, and cyanazine
SM = Standard Methods (APHA et al. 1998)