Diagnostic study of the lakes Laborde (or lake Cocoyer), Lachaux, and Douat to identify zones of protection.

Start Date: 2015

End Date: 2015

Full Citation:

Comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire (CIAT), 2015, $14,000. Diagnostic study of the lakes Laborde (or lake Cocoyer), Lachaux, and Douat to identify zones of protection. PI: D. Baker.


  • Aquatic

Associated with the KU Field Station: No

Research Summary:

The Haitian organization Comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire (CIAT), in partnership with the Organization for the Rehabilitation of the Environment, funded this bioassessment of 3 lakes north of Les Cayes Haiti: Etang Laborde, Etang Duoat, and Etang Lachaux. Water quality measurements included water temperature, specific conductance, total dissolved solids, salinity, pH, oxidation/reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and Secchi disk depth. We performed a complete biological assessment (bioassessment) including using quantitative methods to collect representative samples of the macroinvertebrates, zooplankton, and phytoplankton populations. We also examined the fish population using catch and release methods. We used an inflatable boat to obtain water depths and water quality and biotic samples throughout the lake area. We interviewed residents who live near the lakes to reconstruct the history of landuse. See KBS Report 181: Huggins, D. and D. Baker. 2015. Diagnostic study of the lakes Laborde (or Lake Cocoyer), Lachaux, and Douat to identify zones of protection. Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report No. 181. 76 pp.


Lake Laborde, Haiti

Lake Lachaux, Haiti