Start Date: 2004
End Date: 2005
Full Citation:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, $401,972, 2004–2005. Assessment of wadeable streams within the south central semi-arid prairies ecoregion using an EMAP randomized study design. PI: D. Huggins, Co-PIs: A. Dzialowski, D. Baker.
- Aquatic
Associated with the KU Field Station: No
Research Summary:
In 2005, CPCB assisted with the USEPA’s National Wadeable Stream Assessment (WSA). The goals of the WSA were to provide a status report on the condition and health of the wadeable streams of the U.S., help build State capacity for monitoring and assessment, and improve the comparability and integration of State monitoring and assessment methods. TetraTech coordinated activities among the 34 states involved in the project.
Prior to beginning our fieldwork, CPCB hosted the EPA training workshop for Region 6 and 7 (led by TetraTech). Crews and labs were trained to use EMAP protocols. EMAP later became the National Aquatic Resource Surveys.
CPCB sampled 10 randomly selected streams in the South Central Arid Plains Region of Texas, and 9 randomly selected streams in Nebraska. CPCB also sampled an additional 3 reference streams in Nebraska. CPCB completed laboratory analysis of chlorophyll levels in 87 periphyton and water column samples collected in Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. CPCB also identified or subcontracted 149 macroinvertebrate samples from streams located in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, and the SCSAP of Texas.