Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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Changes in subepilimnetic phytoplankton as an early resopnse to lake acidification
Changes in the wild bee fauna of Rockefeller Prairie
Changes in variability of soil moisture alter microbial community C and N resource use
Chapter 2, Polygonaceae. Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Chapter Polygonaceae (22), Flora of North America, Vol. 5
Characterization and mapping of sediment thickness and pattern in John Redmond Reservoir, Coffey County, Kansas
Characterization and selection of chemical de-icers: Criteria document
Characterization and significance of sexual dimorphism in gape size in Virginia valeriae ssp with comparisons to V. striatula
Characterization and significance of sexually dimorphic gape in the rough earth snake, Virginia striatula
Characterization of a native prairie and old-field transition: Implications for plant species invasibility
Characterization of an anti-tuberculosis resin glycoside from the prairie medicinal plant Ipomoea leptophylla
Characterization of Cross Reservoir and its subepilimnetic photosynthetic bacterial community
Characterizing aquifer heterogeneity using hydraulic tomography
Characterizing biological structure and ecological function of playas and upgrading the existing Kansas Wetland Program Plan (WPP)
Characterizing ecosystem variability of Northern China steppes using onset of green-up derived from time-series AVHRR NDVI data
Characterizing hydraulic conductivity with the direct-push permeameter
Checklist of freshwater Amphipoda (Crustacea: Malacostraca) of California
Checklist of inland aquatic Isopoda (Crustacea: Malacostraca) of California
Checklist of Kansas damselflies
Checklist of Kansas dragonflies
Checklist of Kansas jumping spiders. The Kansas School Naturalist 47(1):1-16
Checklist of Kansas Orbweaving Spiders
Cheney Reservoir water quality and its watershed assessment
Cheyenne Bottoms: An environmental assessment
Chimaphila. Chapter Ericaceae. Flora of North America, Vol. 8
Chlorophyll concentrations and a/b ratios in mosses collected from exposed and shaded habitats in Kansas
Chlorophyll concentrations and photosynthesis in three forest understory mosses in northeastern Kansas
Chorusing centers of periodical cicadas
Chorusing phenology and habitat associations of the crawfish frog, Rana areolata (Anura: Ranidae), in Kansas
Chromosome numbers in Great Plains species of Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae)
Chrysosplenium. Chapter Saxifragaceae. Flora of North America, Vol. 8
Ciprofloxacin attenuation rates and mechanisms in aquatic field systems
Cladocera and other Branchiopoda
Clarification of the publication date for Artemia urmiana Günther (Crustacea: Anostraca): 1890, 1899 or 1900?
Classification of selected sites on the Arkansas and Kansas Rivers
Classifying multiyear agricultural land use data from Mato Grosso using time-series MODIS Vegetation Index Data
Classifying remotely sensed data for use in an agricultural non-point source pollution model
Climate affects plant-soil feedbacks of native and invasive grasses: Negative feedbacks in stable but not variable environments
Climate change and Great Plains birds
Climate change-related regime shifts have altered spatial synchrony of plankton dynamics in the North Sea
Climate warming can accelerate carbon fluxes without changing soil carbon stocks
Clonal population structure of the federal threatened Mead's milkweed, as determined by RAPD analysis, and its conservation implications
Close-range remote sensing of aquatic macrophyte vegetation cover
Coexistence through spatio-temporal heterogeneity and species sorting in grassland plant communities
Collecting and life-history techniques
Collecting and processing branchiopods
Collection of Antillocladius pluspilalus and A. arcuatus (Diptera: Chironomidae) in eastern Kansas
Colonization of successional grassland by Ulmus rubra Muhl. in relation to landscape position, habitat productivity, and proximity to seed source
Coluber mormon, a species distinct from C. constrictor
Combined chlorophyll fluorescence and transcriptomic analysis identifies the P3/P4 transition as a key stage in rice leaf photosynthetic development