Publication List

Our research center makes every attempt to keep a complete, up-to-date list of our scholarly publications. This list dates back to 1949, just after the establishment of the KU Field Station, which we now manage. Enter keyword, year or author name to search all publications. In the full list, individual projects are listed by the publication title and the year of publication.

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The vascular flora of the Niobrara Valley Preserve and adjacent areas in Nebraska
The vascular flora of the Ogallala Ecotone on the Dempsey Divide, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma
The Vascular Plants of Lake Roberts, Gila National Forest, Grant County, New Mexico
The world’s first clam shrimp symposium: Drawing palaeontology and biology together
Thematic Mapper characterization of lodgepole pine seral stages in Yellowstone National Park, USA
Thermal relations in Acris crepitans
Thermal stress triggers productive viral infection of a key coral reef symbiont
Thermodynamic entropy production as a measure of agroecosystem sustainability
Thoracic polymorphism in Mesovelia mulsanti (Hemiptera: Mesoveliidae)
Thorp & Covich’s Freshwater Invertebrates, 4th edition, Volume I: Ecology and General Biology
Thorp & Covich’s Freshwater Invertebrates, 4th edition, Volume V: Keys to the Neotropic and Antarctic Fauna
Thorp and Covich’s Freshwater Invertebrates, Volume II. Keys to Nearctic Fauna
Threshold patterns in aquatic biodiversity across water quality gradients in Central Plains streams and rivers
Throughfall chemistry of an ecotonal forest on the edge of the Great Plains
Tibetan Artemia (Crustacea: Anostraca) mitogenomic biodiversity and population demographics
Timber Rattlesnake Conservation Action Plan — Kansas
Time scales of ecosystem impacts and recovery under individual and serial invasions
Time series remote sensing of landscape-vegetation interactions in the southern Great Plains
Time-series classification of high-temporal resolution AVHRR NDVI imagery of Mexico
Time, space, and life history: Influences on food webs
Tomographic characterization of aquifer heterogeneity
Tools for diversity: Fire, grazing, and mowing on tallgrass prairies
Topographic correction of visible near-infrared reflectance spectra for horizon-scale soil organic carbon mapping
Toward a 3-D picture of hydraulic conductivity with multilevel slug tests
Towards a synthesis of evolutionary modes and mechanisms in homosporous pteridophytes
Towards managing food-web structure and algal crop diversity in industrial-scale algal biomass production
Toxic chemical priority selection in the United States
Tracking C and N flows through microbial biomass with increased soil moisture variability
Tracks and Shadows: Field Biology as Art
Tragopogon pratensis: Multiple introductions to North America, circumscription, and the formation of the allotetraploid T. micellus
Trait-based aerial dispersal of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Tree spade transplanting of Spartina pectinata (Link) and Eleocharis macrostachya (Britt.) in a prairie wetland restoration
Tree spade used to establish wetland grasses, rushes, and sedges
Tree-ring δ13C and δ18O, leaf δ13C and wood and leaf N status demonstrate tree growth strategies and predict susceptibility to disturbance
Trees of the Gila Forest Region, New Mexico
Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines in Kansas, Revised and Expanded Edition
Trihalomethane precursors in Kansas lakes: sources and control (Report of year one results)
Trihalomethane precursors in Kansas lakes: Sources and control. Phase II
Trihalomethane precursors in Kansas water supplies: Occurrence, source control measures, and impacts on drinking water treatment
Triploidy and its evolutionary significance in Cystopteris protrusa
Trophic level responses to food chain length in experimental stream benthic communities: A test of the cascading trophic interactions hypothesis
Trophic rank and the species-area relationship
Trophic state analysis of Pottawatomie State Fishing Lake No. 1: Water quality impairment: Eutrophication, dissolved oxygen
Turning back the clock on ecological effects testing
Two new cryptic anostracan (Branchiopoda: Streptocephalidae, Chirocephalidae) species
Two new fairy shrimp species (Crustacea: Anostraca: Branchipodidae, Streptocephalidae) from the Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Two new species of branchipodid fairy shrimp (Anostraca) including a new genus with a unique thoracic appendage: A case of sexual arms race
Two new species of Thelenella and new reports from the Great Plains of central North America, with a worldwide key to the genus
Two species of atypid spiders (Araneae, Atypidae) in eastern Kansas: Male emergence times and notes on natural history
Type species designation for Archaebranchinecta Rogers & Coronel (Branchiopoda: Anostraca)